วันอังคารที่ 19 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556



Nathan Ford was hired by the airline company for stealing plane model he perform controls four thief that is Hardison the hacker, Parker the burglar, Elliot the hitter and Sophie the actress. This series like Robin Hood but this series is modern Robin Hood that has new technology to help people who accept injustice from rich, powerful and corrupt people. 

Nate is planner of team he bright, an ingenious and alcoholic. Hardison is computer hackers and security systems he fall in love with Parker who has weird habit she love to steal valuables and she like banknote so much. 

Sophie is an actress who perform a good play when it illegal but in real stage she act very terrible she has a skill in psychology to control and persuade people. Last, Elliot expert in quarters battle and all kinds weapons.

