วันศุกร์ที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556


Website Pinterest is has many new Ideas for whom love D.I.Y. or decorate your home and garden or you want helpful tips for cooking or make your home perfect pinterest can help you. On the website works like twitter and facebook you can follow person that you like idea and repin post to your wall. Pinterest has many categories such as animal more pictures from facebook or many website are come from pinterest. 

It also has architecture, art, cars & motorcycles, D.I.Y. and crafts, film music & books. food & drinks is my favorite categories many food picture makes me hungry but it have a lot of helpful tip to use in your kitchen such as how to peal avocado or new recipes to make you delicious meal. I cannot tell you all of categories in pinterest you just press button log in and log in with facebook now you have to enjoy a new ideas and knowledge on this website.

my useful application

my useful application

I cannot deny I spend a time mostly on internet Facebook is one website that I checked and see news on my wall. Webpage that I go to see every day is igc.in.th this page is sell itune giftcards in Thailand and everyday admin of igc.in.th will suggest and post free or interesting application it very helpful for me save my time for looking free and nice apps mostly free apps is trial version or pay money to unlock full version. When I open free application on my iPod touch and it told you must unlock to full version in 0.99 dollars I think why I download this application it cannot play made me boring so much. I used many applications so I will suggest some application that interesting and useful. 

This is application whatSale it tell you what the shops or supermarket or brands in Thailand that have a promotion or sale this app have many category such as food and drink, clothes, travel and anything else this application also tell date and place that have sales or event. Multi delete app is help you to handle contact that have same name it tell you what name and total of contact that have same name.

The Last Fantasy The origin part2

The Last Fantasy The origin part2

Julia is Maya’s mother cursed by her husband cause of he thinks Julia cheated him and she is Director of Os.
Ranes has Ice magic and power he is taciturn Cruz always stir up anger him. Nadesco is young warrior of elf who must hide her feeling from mother and her cousin. Chinha he is Akinadeen company owner.  He changed himself into Logi dragon and makes human scientific method such as Behamos they catch a girl and make scientific method she can transform herself into Gaur. When she become a gaur she has no feeling or pain, Bug series is bug that can speak human language and attack strongly they appear in The Last Fantasy the origin Vol. 2. 

Apple is a girl who can change into Behamos. She receives Bio-cell that makes her stronger and can revive herself when she transform into Behamos. When everyone meets Zero fate that was specify to begin. The boy grows up in Arcalum country of wars and suffering. Among find evidence in Arkinadeen company his mental power waked up he can’t controls it so Dontero pick up Zero to Graham for teaches Zero to controls his mental power ‘World of God’ (WOG)and Zero not knows he has king Tairo spirit in his mind. Cruz Sider had a painful past after his mom died he always ask and blame himself why mother must died he love his mama so much and Cruz can’t make his mind accept bereavement. He hates any people around him destroy everything when he feel boring or angry one day his mental power wake up and it make his sister almost die. 

Then his father send him to Graham this is first place he meets Zero.
Feria D. Heart is Zero friend but truly she is Chinha’s spy and she is Mi-ko person who can invite god spirit to body. Fox murder 498 bodies he has alives for revenge who made him in to Graham prison. He is expert in many types of magic and has power for open dimension that can go everywhere.
Professor Venus Grace Graham who is developer Graham and cursed to have an immortal life.Last Fantasy have 3 parts there are The Last Fantasy The origin (west land) have 7 volume, The Last Fantasy return (Tairo Come back) have 7 volume now, last part is about  wars between humans and king of God.

The Last Fantasy the origin part 1

The Last Fantasy the origin is science fantasy fiction written by Sangjun (moonlight). In this story it have many characters there are Me-a Brown she is Princess of Northland who has Telepathy mental power. Cruz Sider who has of control objects and he inherit the way of sword.  Queen of devil reincarnate to Alice is half-caste of angle and demon. She is Al-tae-ma sword owner and has melodious voice like an angel. C a girl was foster by white tiger name Resuz that was retain by dog Mewdian in the holy woods. King Tairo spirit, he not knows who call him from spirit world and why he was come to live in Zero mind. Fox his mind full of rancor. Celin was experiment something by ChinHa it make Celin turn in to bionoys that never died and Zero is his best friend. Keechaera some of her body is robot she is head of Child Hood Group. Bill has power of teleport he is Zero friend. Minirin is princess of Kuscaln country. Rosenecare is chief of staff of Kuscaln.
Director of Greham sky town name Dontaero moreover, he is Alice and Fox’s father. Nelos king of Kuscaln is country of machine and robots is well knows he like wars with another country.
Reffrieyaa is Zero mother and Boonha wife. She helps Boonha to created 4 Zero cloning.

Nabies, Zero cloning he jealous and hate Zero so much Nabies was supports by Boonha who is dippy sciencetist.
Kyusana goddess of love she is paul pry people life and she give Mirror of Kyusana to Alice.
Taco is Cruz’s Professor and he teaches the way of sword to him. Maya she cursed by her father with Nightmare curse whoever sees her they will fall into fear of themselves. So Juria order her do not go out from glasshouse it made Maya feels lonely. She is no friend no social it makes her shy and afraid to talk with someone but she was nickname by people that heard narrative and never see Maya call her black witch of Os. 

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 21 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556

Aumphawan temple , Singburi

Sunday I went to Aumphawan temple with my family for pay respect to venerable monk Jarun Thitathummo and offer money to him. In the temple have dhamma retreat, Arawan elephant, and every day in canteen have free food and sweetmeat such as papaya salad, hotchpotch, and rice noodle with fish curry sauce, stir-fried mixed vegetables, flour and sugar baked in cup shaped pan.

Venerable monk Jarun Thitathummo meet people when 10.00 and 14.00 I waited for 3 hours to see him someone think it boring why you can wait so long but for me it practice my patient(one thing is I have a lot of homework to do so while I waited Venerable monk Jarun Thitathummo I do my homework too ^ ^). Entrance of temple you will see various streets stall such as lottery stall, fruit vegetable and snack stall. 

วันพุธที่ 20 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556

House m.d.

Dr.House always makes trouble and enjoys agitates people who around him especially Dr.Cuddy she is a hospital owner she frequently grumble to Dr.House about problem that he makes. And Dr.James Willson he is Dr.House best friend. Doctor house doesn’t like to wear a gown because he doesn’t want anyone knows he is a doctor.  if he not abusive and obnoxious he isn't DR.House.

House addicted to drugs Vicodin that painkiller his legs. He often treats and analyzes strange diseases which don’t know cause. He doesn’t care anyone cause of he is afraid of pain and suffering. Dr. Gregory House character is charming and interesting. I want to know why House doesn’t care anyone and why Dr.House said ‘everybody lies’ frequently. This series just not a doctor treats patient but it also have interest philosophy of life.

วันอังคารที่ 19 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556



Nathan Ford was hired by the airline company for stealing plane model he perform controls four thief that is Hardison the hacker, Parker the burglar, Elliot the hitter and Sophie the actress. This series like Robin Hood but this series is modern Robin Hood that has new technology to help people who accept injustice from rich, powerful and corrupt people. 

Nate is planner of team he bright, an ingenious and alcoholic. Hardison is computer hackers and security systems he fall in love with Parker who has weird habit she love to steal valuables and she like banknote so much. 

Sophie is an actress who perform a good play when it illegal but in real stage she act very terrible she has a skill in psychology to control and persuade people. Last, Elliot expert in quarters battle and all kinds weapons.